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3000x 174 Online
Informacion del Servidor
General Information
Server Version Season 6
Experience 3000x
Master Experience 50%
Drop 50%
Puntos por Lvl 5/7/7
Maximos Stats 32767
Maximo Level 400
Maximo Master Level 400
Max IP Connection 3
Balance PvP Activo
Reset (RR)
¿Donde puedo Resetear PJ? MU GAME /reset /reset auto
Requerimiento Nivel 400
Borrar Puntos Inven Skill Master Lvl NO
Reset Spots SI
Costo Reset 1.000.000 Zen
Grand Reset (GR)
¿Donde puedo GrandReset PJ? NPC Lorencia Noria Elveland
Requerimiento Nivel 1
Requerimiento Reset 50
Borrar Puntos Inven Skill Master Lvl NO
CastleGold Recompensa 5.000 CG
CastlePoints Recompensa 200 CP
Bonus HP 1 GR = +200HP (Maximal Bonus 500 GR = +100.000HP)
/whisper [on/off] Enable / disable whisper.
/pkclear Clear killer status
/post [message] Sends a message to the whole server.
/addstr [points] Adds points to Strength.
/addagi [points] Adds points to Agility.
/addvit [points] Adds points to Life.
/addene [points] Adds points to Energy.
/addcmd [points] Adds points to Command.
/requests [on/off] Enable / disable requests in-game.
/re [on/off/auto] Enable / disable requests in-game.
/evo Evolution to 2nd and 3rd class.
/zen 2000000000 Set own zen to 2kkk.
/reset Make reset in game.
/reset auto Turn on or off auto reset.
/openware Open warehouse anywhere IN SAFE ZONE.
/attack DW 9/14/39 - DK 41/42 - ELF 24/235 - MG 236/237 - DL 61/78 - SUM 215/230 - RF 264
/remaster Reset Master Level Points (Need 400 usual level).
/limpiarinv Limpiar todo el inventario (Usar con precaucion).