Informacion del Servidor
General Information | |
Server Version | Season 6 |
Experience | 3000x |
Master Experience | 50% |
Drop | 50% |
Puntos por Lvl | 5/7/7 |
Maximos Stats | 32767 |
Maximo Level | 400 |
Maximo Master Level | 400 |
Max IP Connection | 3 |
Balance PvP | Activo |
Reset (RR) | |
¿Donde puedo Resetear PJ? | MU GAME /reset /reset auto |
Requerimiento Nivel | 400 |
Borrar Puntos Inven Skill Master Lvl | NO |
Reset Spots | SI |
Costo Reset | 1.000.000 Zen |
Grand Reset (GR) | |
¿Donde puedo GrandReset PJ? | NPC Lorencia Noria Elveland |
Requerimiento Nivel | 1 |
Requerimiento Reset | 50 |
Borrar Puntos Inven Skill Master Lvl | NO |
CastleGold Recompensa | 5.000 CG |
CastlePoints Recompensa | 200 CP |
Bonus HP 1 GR = +200HP | (Maximal Bonus 500 GR = +100.000HP) |
Comandos | |
/whisper [on/off] | Enable / disable whisper. |
/pkclear | Clear killer status |
/post [message] | Sends a message to the whole server. |
/addstr [points] | Adds points to Strength. |
/addagi [points] | Adds points to Agility. |
/addvit [points] | Adds points to Life. |
/addene [points] | Adds points to Energy. |
/addcmd [points] | Adds points to Command. |
/requests [on/off] | Enable / disable requests in-game. |
/re [on/off/auto] | Enable / disable requests in-game. |
/evo | Evolution to 2nd and 3rd class. |
/zen 2000000000 | Set own zen to 2kkk. |
/reset | Make reset in game. |
/reset auto | Turn on or off auto reset. |
/openware | Open warehouse anywhere IN SAFE ZONE. |
/attack | DW 9/14/39 - DK 41/42 - ELF 24/235 - MG 236/237 - DL 61/78 - SUM 215/230 - RF 264 |
/remaster | Reset Master Level Points (Need 400 usual level). |
/limpiarinv | Limpiar todo el inventario (Usar con precaucion). |